Thursday, April 25, 2013

Marine Education for the children

Academy by the Sea   is underway again this week.
 An MCSS program sponsored by Save Our Seas,Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay Resort and Underwater Centre  is a week long  beach sided classroom to help educate kids into understanding the need to conserve  nature.........particularyl underwater  species.

Teacher Abbi has been showing students  current Marine monitoring and conservation techniques .....which for the kids meant time in both the classroom and  out snorkelling over the reefs.
Wednesday was the full day trip out by boat .......lunch at Therese Island and lots of fun.
Well done Abbi , teacher assistants and students .
Next week starts the two one week  SURPRISE trips.......... the kids can hardly wait to find out were they are watch this space for more details !!

1 comment:

  1. it's very nice that marine education is also distributed in the childrens.

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